Saturday, August 27, 2005

Soul Mates

As a child, my mother used to tell me to pray for my future spouse. Even though I didn't know who my future spouse would be, the Lord knew and He would make sure my prayers went to the right person. So, ever since I was about 10 I had prayed often for my future spouse.

I went through my teen years and college dating various girls, falling in love, but not finding that soul mate. A few years after college my best friend was supposed to volunteer to help out on a church retreat weekend, but he hadn't been able to go to any of the previous meetings and felt awkward showing up late in the process all alone. So, he asked me to go with him. Having nothing better to do, I went along.

During one point of the meeting, this woman entered the room and my soul jumped... that's the best way I can explain it. My soul jumped. As if my soul had recognized her soul as "the one" I had been praying for all of these years. It was the oddest feeling I have ever felt. It was so internal and explosive. It was amazing.

During the meeting the leaders of the weekend somehow thought I had volunteered as well, so I ended up working the church weekend too. Over the course of the weekend I found out this woman who had made my soul leap was named Dea. And that she had a boyfriend.

So, I held my emotions in check and went on with my life. I saw her again months later at a play and found out she was single again. I asked for her number and her friends were stunned that she actually gave me her real phone number. That started the courting process. Over the next three years we dated off an on, liking each other, hating each other, putting up with each other... you know, a lot like marriage.

We finally did end up getting married and it was the best decision I have ever made. I remember people asking me if I was nervous about getting married and I remember telling them "That's just it... I've never been more at peace about anything. That's why I know its right."

Here we are 13 years later, my wife Dea and I are still in love, still falling in love, with two beautiful children and, hopefully, years and years of getting to know each other better. She is my best friend. She fills all of my weaknesses and makes me a better person. Like the meaning of her name, she is truly a "gift from God."

And I have to believe that those prayers from a young child to his future wife paved the way for the happiness we feel now. I am so blessed and still at peace, living daily, with my soul mate.

1 comment:

Paul said...


You are asking a lot from Robbie. After all, he is a Georgia grad.