Friday, June 23, 2006

We're The Government, We're Here To Help!

Got a letter from the IRS yesterday saying we owe them multiple thousands of dollars from 2004. A bunch in taxes, plus, because they just "figured this out," we get the honor of almost another 50% in fines because it's been two years since.

Made for a great evening in the Bauer household. Lucky for me I happened to have multiple thousands of dollars in my sock drawer just waiting for such an emergency...

(searches drawer)

Okay, I only found socks in my sock drawer. Disappointing.

Do you think if I leave the notice under my pillow the IRS fairy will come and leave me a check?

I guess we'll go for Plan B.

We're making an appointment to understand their reasoning. I'm sure the process of working with the government will be nothing other than pleasant and effective. I mean, it's the IRS, after all! And it's my taxes (or lack of taxes in this case) that make their very existence possible. I'm sure they'll see me as a customer instead of an offender.


(no response)


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