Saturday, August 20, 2005

Life in Perpetual Middle School

Have you ever noticed that we never really leave Middle School? Cliques, politics, immaturity, assumptions... they never go away. Its like we're all stuck in a bad sitcom for the rest of our lives.

NOTE: As I've read that people with blogs can get fired over talking about work on the internet, let me say that all of this is theoretical and in no way represents my current work environment.

Here's a perfect theoretical example:
Theoretically, I had two employees who didn't like each other very much. For the sake of argument, lets say that they sat next to each other in their cubicles, spending an excessive amount of time and effort NOT talking to each other. Let us then expound on the possibility that it got to the point where Employee One theoretically sent me and email, telling me that I had to tell Employee Two that her scented candle was giving her a headache.

I told them both that if they were over eighteen years old, they had to work it out amongst themselves... theoretically.

It's through past experiences such as these that I learned that management is more about parenting than anything else. Over my professional life I have spent more energy dealing with personal dramas and Three's Company-style misunderstandings than I have actually getting real work done.

So, for anyone in grades 6 - 8, soak it in, be one with it, relish in the dynamics of your current life, because you've got a lifetime ahead of you dealing with the same basic crap.

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