Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Lottery Mentality

When did we become a nation of pansies?

Is it just me or has this country turned into a bunch of people who have lost the understanding and value of sacrifice?
I once read that 97% of all lawsuits in the world happen in the United States. Well, that explains it... everyone is out looking to "win the lottery," to get an easy payday.

And with that mentality comes the expectation that if life deals me a bad hand, I deserve to win the pot. Have we lost the meaning of the phrase "suck it up?"

Our founding fathers were clear...we are
endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Not the guarantee of happiness, but the opportunity to pursue it, to make our own happiness through personal responsibilty and achievement. Like anything else in life, it is the through the struggle we define ourselves and in overcoming obstacles that we find long-lasting happiness.

When has anything easy in life retained any true value? When are we going to re-learn that it is with sacrifice and struggles that something truly magical happens. How long before our country is willing to feel short term pain for long term gain, whether that be in our war on terror, social security, taxes, etc.?

I just hope we get it before it's too late.

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